Graphical Facilitation Resources for Speakers & Presenters

BEST Graphical Facilitation Resources to improve your Presentations

Graphic facilitation and graphic recording are great techniques to engage groups in the communication process, especially at events. Visual meetings are a great way to get people involved.

I could never draw when I started yet have been a big fan of visual graphics since doing a graphical facilitation and drawing Workshop with Donna McGeorge. She introduced me to the work of David Sibbet, Grove International in the US – strongly recommended templates and tools) and the IVFP

Recommended Books for Graphical Facilitation and Visual Thinking:

Visual Meetings – How Graphics, Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can Transform Your Event

The book contains a huge range of eye-popping visual tools that you can print out or draw to really energise your retreats and meetings.

When people work visually they have better ideas, make better decisions and are more committed to producing better results. The visual outputs from planning events become great co-created artefacts for the team and assist later implementation.

I have been using visual planning with CEOs and execs now for many years and am always surprised how my scribbles and drawings become the basis for executive group discussions and problem solving. A picture is truly worth a thousand words.

BOOKS by Dan Roam – all about solving problems and selling ideas with pictures. Teaches you a whole new way of thinking in a few hours.

  • Show & Tell – How everybody can make extraordinary presentations
  • Blah Blah Blah – What to Do When Words don’t work
  • Draw and Win – Lead, Sell and Innovate
  • The Back of a Napkin
  • Unfolding The Napkin


GAMESTORMINGA playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers and Changemakers by Dave Gray et al

Contains 80 games to help you break down the barriers, communicate better and generate new ideas, insights and strategies.

This book has a range of tools and techniques for encouraging group engagement, innovation and creativity.

Get better results from shorter meetings, more communication and collaboration happening.

Using Graphical Facilitation – Start Implementing!

Implementation is everything if you want to be known for results! – have a read of Chip & Dan Heath’s book called Switch – How to change when change is hard. Dan uses some techniques similar to lean manufacturing to get things done. Try the 5 steps to successful change:

  1. Start with small changes
  2. Repetition gets results!
  3. Celebrate ANY Improvement
  4. Use Planning not Willpower
  5. Commit to others & get Help!

Develop 12 week Celebration Cycles (lean thinking) because it takes 6 to 8 weeks to change a habit!



David Staughton CSP CEO B.Sc(Hons)

David Staughton is a Speaker and Business Consultant. He is an Award-winning Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) with over 15 years of professional speaking & consulting experience. David is on the board of E-Speakers, is a past board member of Professional Speakers Australia and was an advisor to a large Australian Speakers Bureau. Speaker Advisor is a useful resource website for Speakers and Event Organisers. If you have ideas for things to add to this website – please contact me