Getting More Speaker Bookings NOW – Help to Grow Your Speaking Business

How can I get More Speaking Bookings & Gigs to grow my Speaking Business?

  • Would you like more speaking gigs?
  • Want to earn higher fees as a speaker?
  • Want more bookings from Speaker Bureaus?

EVERY speaker wants to get more bookings to give more presentations and make a bigger difference to more audiences.

In order to get more bookings you’ll need to treat your speaking like a Business with a proper plan, resources and sales & marketing effort.

You’re going to need some HELP

If you haven’t got much MONEY, you can do things on a tight budget and do nearly everything  yourself (this is the SLOW way)

or reinvest some of your Speaking earnings and pay some experts to HELP you grow quicker (this is the FAST way).

Your Speaking Business could benefit from HELP like

  1. Other Speakers experience  (Join a Speakers Mastermind group or Events at the Speakers Association)
  2. An EA/PA or VA (Virtual assistant)
  3. Skills Development Coaches (Humour, Stagecraft, Storytelling etc)
  4. Get A Speaking Business Coach
  5. Your Positioning, Branding & Webmarketing  team
  6. A Video Crew & Production team
  7. A Book Coach or Publisher
  8. A good Accountant & Lawyer
  9. Speaker Bureau relationships
  10. A Speaker Business Manager or Talent Agency

Speaking Business Development Experts

Here are some EXPERTS that can help you develop and improve your speaking business. You will get more bookings!

If you want some useful help & advice, I recommend these …….

Speaker Development Groups and Workshops

There are also  communities and groups for developing Professional Speakers….


These are associations for speakers that will help you develop your speaking skills and speaking business


These are commercial groups that are great at helping to develop your speaking skills and speaking business

Sales & Marketing Skills for Speakers

The job of any speaker on stage is to deliver such a good presentation that they get more speaking bookings.

Most speakers are pretty good at speaking BUT are NOT very good at business development or selling their services – This is the BUSINESS end of Speaking.

As Winston Marsh, speaking guru says – “If you are not good at selling – you are going to have skinny kids”

You’ll need to learn how to promote and pitch yourself, followup any leads & enquiries better and get more repeat & referral bookings. These experts can help teach you branding, sales & marketing skills

Read the blog on ASKING BETTER QUESTIONS to convert your Speaker enquiries into bookings


  2. GET MORE SPEAKER BOOKINGS – 6 BEST Ways to Grow Your Speaking Business
  3. LIST OF the BEST BLOGS For Professional Speakers


David Staughton CSP CEO B.Sc(Hons)

David Staughton is a Speaker and Business Consultant. He is an Award-winning Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) with over 15 years of professional speaking & consulting experience. David is on the board of E-Speakers, is a past board member of Professional Speakers Australia and was an advisor to a large Australian Speakers Bureau. Speaker Advisor is a useful resource website for Speakers and Event Organisers. If you have ideas for things to add to this website – please contact me